Фоч 155 блитз

Приятного просмотра!фочбтанкивотстрим Caliber (mm) 155. Shell velocity (m/s) 826. Max range (m) 720. Ammo capacity 30. Potential damage 22,500. Shell cost 1,560. Mobility. Top speed (km/h) 50. Reverse speed (km/h) 13. Power (hp) 1,057.28 1,000. Power/weight (hp/t) 18.36. Tank traverse ( /sec) 31.29. Effective top speed hard (km/h) 49.90 medium (km/h) 43.66
world of tanks фоч 155 мастер Карусель ( мой бой )
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The end
1) мелодия: «Mud — 1974» (Rock) — «THE END OF THE WORLD»
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The roof, the roof, the roof is on fireThe roof, the roof, the roof is on fireThe roof, the roof, the roof is on fireWe don't need no water, let the motherfucker burnBurn motherfucker, burn
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